
Sam Harris Appeals for the Defense of Reason, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali

One of Hop Studio’s most prestigious clients, Sam Harris, is championing the cause of Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ali is a writer, thinker and incisive critic of Islam’s traditional treatment of women. She was forced into hiding in the Netherlands after writing and providing the voice over for Submission a controversial film directed by Theo Van Gogh.

Tragically Theo Van Gogh was murdered for making Submission, and the Dutch Government arranged twenty-four hour security for Ali. She is currently trying to set up residence in the United States, but the Dutch government has ruled that it will not pay for Ali’s security while she is out of the country.

Sam has decided to take donations to aid in paying for Ali’s security while in the States. He feels that it is imperative to support her stance on personal and human freedoms. Sam asked Hop Studios set up a page with both subscription and lump sum donations using Paypal.

You can learn more about Ayaan Hirsi Ali here. If you would like to help Sam raise money for her security, or just observe our handiwork, you can visit The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Security Trust.


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